4 Tips on How to protect against a Brute Force Attack

Brute force attacks are a type of cyber attack that involves an attacker trying to guess your password. While these attacks may seem simple, they can be incredibly effective with devastating consequences for your network and organization.

But how do you defend against them?

To protect yourself from brute force attacks, here are four tips you can follow that we discuss in more detail below.

To protect against brute force attacks, you should...

Can You Really Prevent Brute Force Attacks From Happening?

Unfortunately, we can’t stop them from being attempted. We can’t just tell the intruder to stop guessing our passwords. They will try to breach the targeted network or system as long as they are able to.

What you can prevent, though, is the attack from succeeding and causing damage to your network. The goal is to reduce the attack surface, making it harder for the attacker to succeed while also blocking the attempt when it is discovered.

Use Unique Passwords and Two-Factor Authentication

A strong password consists of a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters and is at least eight characters long.

However tempting it may be, avoid using your password for multiple accounts. As you can imagine, this makes it easier for an attacker to gain access to multiple accounts if one password is compromised.

You should use two-factor authentication (2FA) in combination with your strong password. 2FA adds an extra layer of security to your accounts by requiring a second form of identification in addition to your password when logging in, for example a code received by email.

Use a Firewall to Block Unwanted Traffic

A firewall blocks incoming connections that do not meet certain criteria, such as connections from known malicious IP addresses. Using a firewall can help prevent attackers from accessing your device and attempting brute force attacks.

To set up a firewall on your device, you’ll need to follow the specific instructions for your operating system. Then, you can choose which types of connections you want to allow or block.

Just be sure to allow connections from trusted sources, as blocking all incoming connections can prevent you from accessing the internet and other resources.

Use an Intrusion Prevention System

An intrusion prevention system (IPS) is a security tool designed to detect and prevent unauthorized access to a network or system.

One of the ways an IPS can stop a brute force attack is by monitoring the login attempts in your system and identifying patterns that indicate a potential brute force attack. It will block or terminate connections that exhibit malicious behavior, like repeated failed login attempts from a single IP address.

Additionally, an IPS can alert you of any potential threats and provide them with detailed information about the attack and the attacker, such as:

  • The IP address used
  • Where it came from
  • Which account they tried to breach
  • If it is a recurrent attacker
  • How long the IP address will be blocked

Some IPS can also detect and prevent other attacks, including denial of service (DoS) attacks and SQL injection attacks.

A Great Complement to Your Firewall

While a firewall primarily focuses on controlling access to a network by examining incoming and outgoing traffic and determining whether it should be allowed or denied, an IPS goes a step further by controlling access and analyzing and monitoring traffic for potential threats.

When combined, an IPS and a firewall can provide a robust security solution. The firewall controls access to the network and prevents unauthorized traffic from entering, while the IPS analyzes traffic and detects potential threats.

An IPS can also work in conjunction with other security tools, such as antivirus software and intrusion detection systems, to provide a layered defense against cyber threats.

Keep Your Security Measures up to Date

Keeping your security measures up to date with the latest security patches and updates is essential for protecting yourself and your assets from brute force and other cyber attacks.

This includes updating your operating system, security software such as antivirus and firewall, and any IPS you use. Additionally, you should ensure that you regularly change your passwords.

Hackers are constantly finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in outdated systems, so it is crucial to stay ahead by keeping your security applications current.


Make a habit of creating strong and unique passwords and updating them regularly, as well as using 2FA where possible.

A firewall and an Intrusion Prevention System are both important security tools to protect networks and systems from unauthorized access. Together, they provide a robust security solution that can detect and prevent a wide range of cyber threats.

Lastly, keep all your security measures up to date to avoid vulnerabilities.

These tips can help protect you from brute force attacks and keep your accounts and network safe.

Still unsure if brute force protection is important? Find out why it is in this article

Remember, the more effort you put into securing your accounts, the harder it will be for attackers to gain access. And it is likely worth it.

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